Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
To our English friends, my husband recently started working with someone from England. He told my husband that it's common knowledge in England that Prince Charles is not Harry's father. Is this true?

It's been fairly common knowledge over here, too...at least the rumor has. Probably wouldn't be the first time such a thing has happened in this family (I believe Princess Anne had a similar situation w/ her daughter). Over the years I've seen several articles and also television pieces attempting to highlight a supposed strong resemblance between Hewitt and Prince Harry.

Whatever the truth is, Prince Charles obviously made the decision that Harry would be known as his & Diana's son.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.