Lea really is showing herself to be a little diva. This is part of an article on Page 6 of the NYP about the 100 Most Influential People's gala.
"Glee" star Lea Michele was also not suffering from humility. When a photographer asked for her name, she replied "Sarah Palin." Laughter. "No really, what's your name?" Michele: "Taylor Swift." Said one witness, "She seemed really annoyed he didn't know who she was."
It's starting... Meteoric rise to stardom getting to people's heads or the press looking for angles to knock people down (maybe LM was kidding?) or it could be both...
All I know is I think the show is nearing the line of over-exposure (if it hasn't already crossed it). Perhaps I'm just tired of the Glee updates every other line on Facebook?

Still a fantastic show though. I guess I have to block the other stuff out.