That is very unfortunate, Mig. 37 is such a young age to die. I am very sorry for your loss.

Well, I was hoping I would never have to join in this thread to ask for prayers, but unfortunately, here I am.
I just found out about a month ago that my grandfather has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, and at this stage, it is terminal. Now from what I understand, when caught early, prostate cancer is usually very treatable, and there's a pretty high survival rate as well.
Unfortunately for my grandfather, they caught it far too late. It has already spread to his bones, and he has tumors in his shoulders, neck, back, and ribs. Due to his high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes, chemotherapy is out of the question, too.
He made a visit to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, but they turned him away because they do not accept his insurance. I really have nothing else to say on that.
This week they are going to the University Medical Center in Baltimore to speak to a prostate cancer specialist to see if there is anything that can be done to help.
The doctor he had been seeing has told him he has 3 to 5 months left to live. I am trying to remain optimistic, but given everything that I know, I can't help but expect the worst.
I am not an overly religious person, but I do believe that there is something out there. So to all those who do believe in a higher power, I humbly ask for your prayers in my grandfather's time of need. I would appreciate it. Thanks.