There are days when the answer seems to be:
Throw Money at the problem!
Been that way especially for the last decade.
A trillion bucks for two wars, each!
Keep the numbers looking good or improving no matter what. Thrill them with smoke and mirrors! and if all fails blame the other guys or shout:
Sounds like politics 101. Again where was this complaint from you fearless leader in the last administration? At least Pizzaboy is consistent, I'll give that Yankee credit.
at least we are trying! and if you can't come up with a better plan then ours is golden!
They use that jargon alot because it
works. Hell with a shakey economy, two endless wars, Dubya beat Kerry in 2004. Why did Dubya win? Asides from Kerry being a liberal afraid of acting too liberal and in general a
terrible candidate...
Well remember Dubya famously saying that doesn't matter if he's right or wrong on Iraq, he was staying the course? Apparently people loved that, and Kerry unwilling to break his straddling in being both dovish liberal and mean hawk, couldn't exactly retort as simple and effective as that.
"I voted for it before I voted against it" certainly represented his campaign.
I've noticed too the thing you point out, Obama White House has deployed that logic too in Afghanistan. Shit even Capo the snarky self-wanking Marxist is right about that whole campaign, yet its become a collective truth it seems that a public might agree with in private, but none the less suppress in public or even to themselves.
Then again not like the Right have actually said anything of substance to offer on that issue in contrast for alternatives. Not when Fucking Kristol at FNC always saying
"Stay the course!" or
"More troops! More dead terrorists! More Drones!"Or what am I kidding? The public doesn't give a shit about that issue. Page 5 fodder.
How do you keep the old dog happy- throw them a boner!