Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Lebron will be hated in every city that wooed him, due to this ABSURD press conference.

Is this the brainchild of Team Lebron? You know, those guys who truly believe they're a success story because they all grew up together, and not because Lebron James can get the ball to go in the hoop?

Because if Lebron couldn't score, the closest they'd get to Quick Loans Arena would be, well, taking out payday loans themselves.

Bottom feeding hangers-on.

before everything went down today i would had hated him for choosing new york or new jersey and i would understand if he would had stayed in cleveland.

after today i just hope that he doesn't go to the miami. other words meaning i dont care if he becomes a knick or net. if he becomes a bull great. if he stays at cleveland then he will have to bust his ass when he is up against boston, orlando, miami, and the bulls.