TIS, the singing in the car one was actually very accurate for me...I've done that on multiple occasions, where I get really into a song, then suddenly consider that someone might be watching me from the backseat - sort of like "The Hitch-Hiker" on the Twilight Zone. lol

SB, when I throw away my disposable lenses, I'm usually just amused by how they look when they dry up, or something silly like that - isn't this a much better perspective?

LN, I heard about the secrets being in the books! That's really cool you found one. I kept thinking I'd find an archive somewhere, but when I realized I probably wouldn't, I started saving the ones I like. I wish they posted them all. I found this on Wikipedia:
The website does not provide any way to go through archives and view old posts.

However, due to Google Reader's RSS caching, one can go back through previous secrets by subscribing to the PostSecret feed using Google Reader.

In addition, the postsecret community on Livejournal enables you to scroll back through previous journal entries to view older posts from postsecret's Sunday Secrets collection. This can only be done by searching directly through postsecret's Livejournal page, and only allows you to view the last 4 entries, as viewing of any posts older than this has been disabled.