I agree Ivy, there are tons of UNFORGIVEABLE mistakes in this show which make it almost unwatchable! Like in "For All Debts Public and Private", Tony is wearing shorts.. SHORTS! A boss would never wear shorts! And doesn't Carmela get her hair styled differently in an episode? How come we don't ever see that haircut!

I kid, however must of your criticisms of the show are maybe reaching a little to far?

9. I think Tony B was killed off too soon. And in fact, like Richie's character from season 2, he was supposed to be around longer in the original plans by the writers.

I'm pretty sure Steve Buscemi was only ever supposed to be around for one season, despite you saying it was supposed to be more. Frankly, though I love that Steve was in it and I think he did a fantastic job, I never fell in love with the character of Tony B enough for me to want to see him more.

10. The occassional and uneccessary celebrity cameo.

What.. really? Besides Kingsley, Bacall and Baldwin (Which Cosa Nostra already mentioned), Sinatra Jr. and Annette Bening I can't really think of anyone else. So in the 86 episodes there where 5 celebrity appearences, though Lauren Bacall and Ben Kingsley appeared in the same episode. None of the celebrities, save Danny Baldwin, had anything to do with a plot line that extended out of the episode they were in. Does it really matter?

11. Tony being shot a little reminiscent of Chris being shot. But that plot point still had some great scenes.

Again.. what? How so? Like Cosa Nostra said, these two shootings are similar in that they are shootings that resulted in comas. Was Ralphie's kid being shot by an arrow (OMG, outside, just like christopher, see the connection!) similar to Tony's? Not at all.

13. Too much time spent on the whole Vito being gay thing

See Nostra's response. Probably one of the best plot lines in the the entire show.

15. Ray Curto suddenly keeling over. Rushing things much?

I'm sorry, but again it seems like you're really just nitpicking. Ray's death was obviously used in order to intensify the situation that Eugene was in. The FBI needed another informant and the pressure they put on Eugene because of Ray's death is the straw that breaks the camels back. Why didn't you have a problem when GiGi Cestone had a heart attack in the bathroom?

17. Tony screwing every woman under the sun. We know he likes to play around and has girlfriends like most mob guys do, but he's not a porn star for crying out loud.

Simply put, Tony was involved in a world where his power got him everything, even woman. Infeldity is a HUGE part of this show.

Sorry if I came off a bit strong! Of course, everyone has the right to pick out aspects of a piece of art that they don't like. What's great about the Soprano's is that there can be so many points of view regarding very small things, which really makes watching and rewatching the various seasons an awesome experince each and every time!