Originally Posted By: RRA
Originally Posted By: Capo
Yeah, the critical hype currently surrounding Nolan and his work has given me inclination to give him further attention. But that hype is directly related to his 'supposed qualities as a director', so any discussion in relation to that is obviously going to be directly related to those things. I'm not discussing his dress sense or facial expressions here, because there's no hype surrounding them therefore no need to engage in any criticism of them.

Or in other words, in responding to the 'hype' I'm unavoidably having to respond to the films themselves.

If people were coming out of seeing Nolan's recent films and saying, 'They're pseudo-serious pretentious action films with no genuinely intellectual engagement' (which his last two films have been, unquestionably), then I probably wouldn't feel the need to chip in my opinion other than to give approval of the consensus.
All that may be true, but if you explain why you indulge, I don't think you made the case why you should.
Why bother about anything, ever?

It boils down to personal interest. I take art seriously; from that, I find arguments such as "films are entertainment as much as they are art", or "a work of art is popular therefore some people find it good", either banal or meaningless, which they are, because 'entertaining' is not a binary opposite to 'artistic' ('art' isn't something to be endured!) and because a work of art's popularity tells us nothing about the work of art other than the simple and relative fact that it's popular, which has absolutely no objective weight whatsoever. So when I say I feel 'obliged to speak out', I'm saying I feel as if I ought to speak out, as somebody who takes an active interest in these sorts of things.

Originally Posted By: RRA
One of your country's stupid papers (Guardian?) had a general public poll which named Steven Spielberg the greatest director ever.

Is he? No. Do I get why he won that vote? Sure, he won.....
Blah. Nobody and everybody is 'the greatest director ever'.

Originally Posted By: RRA
But all that, like the Nolan "hype" which aggitates you so very much, is noise, racket that is distractful of what actually matters...
I disagree here. A 'greatest director ever' poll has no concrete antithesis other than 'here are a list of alternatives who are more worthy'; and there's probably a poll like that made every week, so who cares? Those kinds of things are actually conceived so that that kind of meaningless (if not uninteresting) debate can take place. That's what they're there for.

In the case of Christopher Nolan and Inception, for though, I'm addressing very specific issues that are at stake at a very specific time and place.

So your analogy doesn't quite hold up.

Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
You're only as obliged as I am to bitched whenever a new Michael Bay movie makes a fortune. I get the impulse, doesn't mean we have to indulge in it and ultimately waste our time and energy on an irrelevant tangent.
This analogy is curious too.

If Michael Bay's Armageddon was being praised by professional critics as a film to be reckoned with on the same level as a Hitchcock film, then I would feel obliged to give it more attention than it would otherwise deserve.

But in truth, nobody is; there is no critical hype surrounding Michael Bay in the way there is critical hype surrounding Christopher Nolan.

And so bitching about the fact Michael Bay's films are taken too seriously by people would be a 'waste of time and energy on an irrelevant tangent', because it'd actually be a straw man argument, fighting against something nobody has actually said.

But with Christopher Nolan....

Originally Posted By: RRA
For that matter, you're pissing away whatever wit and intelligence you may sport (which you do) on something quite meaningless. On the day of the Wikileaks, what was the national headline on cable TV in America? That unworkable law in Arizona., one law (of thousands) in a state (one of 50), and that is the national debate, pure meaningless culture war pornography. Not revelations of the bullshit going on in a bullshit war which we both seem to agree is quite bullshit.

Mere distractions.
Haha, yeah, everything is everything and therefore nothing is nothing and we're all just playing out a meaningless existence to a universal rhythm in an ultimately indifferent because finite cosmos.


There's always going to be a 'bigger problem' than the one you're addressing.

But then we come back to personal interests and what we actively invest ourselves in whilst here on this mortal earth. And I'm interested in art, in films in particular; and as a social being with some consciousness as to my own 'social being-ness', I'm also by extension interested - as anybody with a serious interest in anything ought to be - in the social, political, historical forces at work in and around such art, which is why in order to fully understand and give proper critical attention to something such as Inception, you've got to also look at the baggage that comes with it.

...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?