Don Marco - No, my major didn't change from last week to this week, it wasn't printed correctly the first week. My major is Accounting and my minor is Broadcast Journalism, never was Journalism my major.

Anyway, I appreciate the feedback from you for the real name being on it, this is what I have to say: I had mixed feelings about it at first. I was first going to use my radio name, which was in the title of my radio show until it got cancelled: Alan Shadeway (that's my porn name, just in case you're wondering). After deliberating a little, I finally just figured "Fuck it", people are going to love or hate me either way, so it doesn't really make a difference. The only thing I'm concerned about is when CamillusDon posts a separate post about me and contains my real name in it. It's fine for my name to be in the newspaper and the newspaper's website, but is it really necessary to post my real name here? Who knows if some jerk would want to kill me for simply exercizing my right to free speech? Please, if you don't agree with me that's fine, but I appreciate the rest of you for not posting my real name here. Whoever wants to read the articles can click on the link, read it, and see my name, but their is no need to post it other words, let people do their own homework.

Minnow - I am simply a contributor with a weekly column, but you can call me "commentator" if you'd like! My real passion is radio, so I'd prefer that title more anyway!

Next week's article is going to be a great one!

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986