I have read many posts and this is the second time I have seen this subject.

Mr Stern, here is some feedback for you. You say Fuck-it if people know you name one post, then you piss about it if someone uses it. Buddy what is your problem are you a career journalist and want your name to go hand in hand with your work or are you a trouble maker blaming someone else for your mistake.

It wasn't the simple fact that he used my name, it was the fact that he simply put it on there to provoke me. Notice no one else did that but him! He was trying to jab at me because he didn't have anything to back up his weak ass argument. Let me ask you: what does my name have to do with the content of the article? Nothing, except I am the one who wrote it. He knew that I wrote it and it's not like I was trying to hide it or anything because I was the one who posted about the articles in the first place! The point is that there was no reason at all to even say my name as it doesn't mean anything to any of you! I can't believe how many of you miss the point!

Yea right, people should do their own homework to find it out? Grow some hair around your manhood and be a man. Make up your mind and stop blaming others. Put your name on it and take credit for your works or hide behind a fake name, but don't knock a good poster here. That was a lame move in my opinion and you lost credibility by bitching.

Grow some hair around my manhood, huh? You want me to take it out and bitch slap you with it? I take credit and pride in my work, THAT'S WHY I SIGN MY REAL NAME ON IT!!! And really, who cares about your opinion anyway? Howard Stern once said, "opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink." Truer words were never spoken.

Well, I have begun my career as a journalist, and what better way to get a name for yourself than to put your submissions out there for the world to see?

I had to chuckle when I read that you used your real name in a website newspaper in a school that you attend and people know you, but you are afraid of 13 year old kids from a Gangster B Board. Yes there are many stories of people traveling across the great USA to kill loud mouth journalists.

First of all, my little ignoramus friend, it isn't simply a website newspaper, as you say, it is actually printed and distributed across campus. Secondly, what on Earth gave you the idea that I was scared of a 13 year old kid on a gangster site?

It was then that I remember that you are just a young man yourself. Still in school. You know you may of had a bitch if Camillus Don had taken your cheap posts from this board and forwarded them to your professors or the school paper to see how great you really write and what you bitch over.

Wow are you off the mark...let him forward them to my professors in school, in fact, I'LL TELL MY FUCKING PROFESSORS MYSELF ABOUT THE ARTICLES I WRITE!!! They will commend me for honestly speaking my mind! What do YOU think they will do, fail me because I write a controversial article?!

Then maybe we could post what your classmates have to say about you and your work. Some real meat I bet.

That would be great, I LOVE THE ATTENTION!!!

I do hope that you do not start using this board as your new fourm. I for one do not think that would be right and I hope Geoff watches out for all the posters, as you my friend have a thin skin and don't take things well.

Thin-skin, huh? Don't make me laugh. If I had thin-skin do you really think I would voice my outspoken opinions and get them printed in a newspaper for a school that has OVER 34,000 STUDENTS?!?!?! I don't think that's cowardly at all, do you?

when you say you want the world to see, mean it!

That's why I posted here to begin with.

Sorry Stern- I was just being honest! Hope there are no hard feelings, But you asked for it.

That sounds funny coming from someone whose arguments just got beat to a merciless pulp. Bring it on...that is if you have any more material...

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986