Originally posted by Mistersixer:
Originally posted by GAMBINO:
[b]"Allow me to go through a small list of what the United States has done to help other countries: we fought in the Gulf War to liberate Kuwait, preventing a staggering increase in oil prices that could have followed

The problem is not that oil prices are too high, but rather that our automobiles don't get good mileage. Which with our technology, could make one gallon of gas go 300 miles. But that would mean that we would probably only pay $5 for 300 miles instead of $20 for 200 miles.

we successfully ended the Hitler-tactics Slobodan Milosevic was using to kill his people,

We caused the Hitler-tactics in the first place, now we are heroes to the people!

we provide a safe refuge for people looking to escape their overbearing countries; we ousted the extremely oppressive Taliban from power in Afghanistan, liberating hundreds of Afghanis; the list can go on and on.

Yes, and they are ALL welcome here providing they can swim accross the ocean the whole way![/b]
Interesting points...

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986