Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
While I feel I should point out that I'm as big or bigger of a fan of the show than anyone, that's not to say I don't have my nitpicky complaints. It's possible to be a huge fan of the show over all, while still being objective and having specific criticisms. Here are some of mine.....

1. While the whole show revolved around Tony, including his psyche, sometimes the dream sequences took up too much time in an episode.

To an extent yes, the dreams were bad. But there were 6 seasons, well pretty much 7 with part 1 and 2 of season 6 and you had a TOTAL of MAYBE 4 episodes with dreams. The problem with that is the viewers want to see people getting whacked, dismembered etc all the time. Did you know that up until this year there was not a made guy in NYC get murdered since 2001? thats NINE years

2. I never really found the plot point of Furio falling for Carmella believable. And it sucked to lose his character over a reason like that.

I couldnt agree more about losing his character that way, but as for him falling for her, well thats doable. They are two human beings and it can happen very easy, mob boss or not.

3. While Ralph was a character you loved to hate - he had some of the best lines - he was somewhat remincent of Richie; i.e. basically put there to be a pain in Tony's ass. And Ralph being personally killed by Tony was a perhaps a little too reminicent of Richie being personally killed by Janice.

An acting boss of any family anywhere personally killing someone is jus way to over the top for me personally.

4. A short beating (which we never saw) of the Russian by Tony and Furio as payback for Janice didn't seem enough.

survee they have to do something, its tonys sister. But Wiseguys are about 2 tings and 2 things only and dont kid yourself. 1. MONEY 2. staying under the radar of law enforcement. And a filling a personal vendetta would have maybe broughten heat.

5. Let's be honest. There is no way Tony and the crew could talk as much as they did in the Bada Bing or Satriale's in real life. But familiar settings are important in a TV series.

6. Little Carmine suddenly gives into Johnny Sac in the war when he seemed pretty intent on taking over.

7. Like above, but even more so, in the last season you had Butchie pushing to go to war and Phil holding back. Then suddenly, over some rather inconsequential things (like his name Leotardo) Phil suddenly decides to take a harder edge, eventually going to war after Coco's beating. Wait? That was the final straw and his brother Billy wasn't? And going to war was what Butchie wanted all along but then we find him wanting to call a truce towards the end. Both characters do a complete 180 from their previous positions without much of a reason.

8. It sucked that Junior had less of a presence as the show went on.

9. I think Tony B was killed off too soon. And in fact, like Richie's character from season 2, he was supposed to be around longer in the original plans by the writers.

10. The occassional and uneccessary celebrity cameo.

11. Tony being shot a little reminiscent of Chris being shot. But that plot point still had some great scenes.

12. Blowing up Phil's wireroom, in response to Vito getting killed, wasn't very realistic.

13. Too much time spent on the whole Vito being gay thing. "Cleaver" also.

14. Over time you get used to David Chase's way of leaving loose ends open but there was really nothing to explain Meadow and Finn breaking up. Just all of the sudden she's dating Patsy Parisi's kid.

15. Ray Curto suddenly keeling over. Rushing things much?

16. Tony and Chris flipping the car was too reminiscent of Tony and Adriana flipping the car. And it seemd like they were just looking for an excuse to off another major character towards the end.

17. Tony screwing every woman under the sun. We know he likes to play around and has girlfriends like most mob guys do, but he's not a porn star for crying out loud.

18. Notice the music in the first episode when Tony is chasing the guy with the car. Very doowop and too reminiscent of many mob movies. Chase later apologized for that and from then on the music in the series was one of it's strongest points. The whole idea of The Sopranos was a modern day crime family and the doowop music hails back to an earlier time.

19. Like I pointed out in the other thread, season 5 left everything set up for a strong and concise final 6th season with the regular 13 episodes. However, probably to just make more money, they release a 12 episode part I and a 9 episode part II. Why? Especially when there really wasn't enough strong material left? And then it's like they suddenly remembered the end was coming up and things got sped up way too quickly in the last few episodes.

ill come back and edit and finish, im tired now, see u guys later!

FatGirl:Your cute
FatGirl:So you wanna buy me a drink?
FatGirl:Why not?
Me:Well Its tricky pumpkin,If I buy u a drink, every fat girl in here would think I liked fat girls & ask me to buy them a drink also. See ,I dont like fat girls unless im wasted and given Im only one drink deep so far, so you better buy me the drink honey, cause this 20 bucks aint covering the booze and drive thru ill need to take you home tonight

08/13/2009-jvanley Spanky Bar, 3rd stool from the left