Hey we all have our own opinions, right? But the fact that you failed to bring up ANY valid points at all in your first one - namely the fact that Iraq wasn't behind 9/11, that the USA DOES infact have a lot of blood on it's hands and that the smelly hippies you talk of in fact span the globe in immense numbers - trust me, we're not all smelly hippies. You're simply not looking at the facts.

I don't know - I'm going over points others have made, but I feel you write too aggresively, and while I agree with your second article about religion, it's written in such a way that you can feel anger and confusion about the writer - wondering who the hell this guy is and what his arguments really are.

That's all. I'm not going to argue about this thing, because I know people want this topic left alone. I'm done.


Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisioned
Only after the last fish has been caught

Then you will find that money cannot be eaten.