Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK, all by his lonesome.
Sorry, guys

THEY got to PB already!!!!
Well, they've gotten to me also. I've been to Dealey Plaza any number of times and there is no way that a second gunmen could have concealed himself on the knoll.
Texas live oak trees remain green and "live" throughout winter, when other oaks are dormant, leafless and "dead". The assassins could blend in amongst the immense foliage behind the grassy knoll. And what about this section of the
Moorman photograph of the grassy knoll (taken at the time of the fatal shot) which seems to show a man in uniform firing a weapon from behind the concrete wall, with perhaps a second man to his right.

"This image area is the exact same area where several overpass witnesses stated they observed gunsmoke, where several of those gunsmoke witnesses (and other witnesses) immediately ran to, seeing no one but finding hundreds of footprints in the mud directly behind a station wagon backed up to the stockade fence that also had shoe-bottom mud scraped off onto the station wagon’s rear bumper, cigarette butts, and muddy footprints 2.5 feet (0.75 m) up on a picket fence cross-beam support.
This is also the exact same location from which the second major Kennedy assassination government investigation, the House Select Committee on Assassinations, determined through scientific testing that one shot was fired."And when viewed closer, three individuals standing at seperate spots on the knoll, but superimposed to one point in the photo):
