Ok, just read your Michael Moore article. That guy is scum. I haven't seen "Bowling for Columbine" and I will not be responsible for giving that man an extra buck. However, I have something to add.

In France (oh, good ol beloved France) they are now showing Moore's "documentary" to classes showing how gun violence in America is accepted and that that is how all Americans live.

Not only does it add more to the fact that Moore is a American hating bastard, it also adds more to the fact that France refuses to look at their own problems but point fingers at the US and tell French how much we suck. (Keep in mind that this is a France that now has classes on having oral sex so their students don't go fucking around all the time.)

God, I hate France.

It's all over now, baby blue

Where have you gone Joe 05, our board turns it's lonely eyes to you...
What's that you say Mrs. Stallionete, JoltinJoe has left and gone away...