Douche Bigelow: Welcome sports fans as we welcome you live from the GangsterBB Fantasy Football Arena. I'm Douche Bigelow and with me is my co-commissioner, JG.

JG: Thanks DB. I have one question for you. Are you ready for some football??!! Let me repeat that! Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!!

Douche Bigelow: I know I am. This is the eighth year we've had this league on the GBB and as always, this league is by invitation only where the GBB's best of the best of the best will match their wits and skills as they battle towards the GangsterBB Bowl. Our defending champion, goombah, is ready and willing to defend his GBB Bowl Ring.

JG: To keep everything nice and simple, we'll be using the same scoring system as last year. We'll be back with further details (league settings, scoring, etc...) but all I can say is it's going to be a blast!

Douche Bigelow: And now here's a look at our teams:

Yao's China Buffet - BB
Oogway's - RM
Defending Champ - GO
Rushin' Mafia - LN
Just Lou - JL
BAM Bears - BA
U can all blow me - DM
Blib - BL
NJ Giants - JG
Panshee's Pookies - PP
Satans Soldiers - IM
Aint First Your Last - JD
Yogi's Boyos - YO
Douche Bigelow - DB

Care to give any thoughts, JG?

JG: Well, GO is our defending champ and he's always tough. DMC and DB are previous winners as well and they always seem to have good teams. PP was a surprise semi-finalist last year and is looking to keep momentum. Overall, the field looks great!

Douche Bigelow: Thanks JG. And now a word from our sponsors...