Hello everyone, it seems as if I have really caused a debate in the newsroom. For my article this week, I wrote about the alleged Kobe Bryant rape victim and mentioned her name in the article numerous times. I don't find anything wrong with this, yet the editors did. They base their code of ethics off of the Society of Professional Journalists (ironically, a group I am part of) and while I disagree with them, and the SPJ for that matter, I will respect their decision. I could send it to the other school paper, the Union, but the Daily 49er has done too much for me to warrant me doing that. That being said, the article that the Daily 49er printed contains an opening paragraph that I added saying that it was not my decision to remove the name and I don't agree at all with the editors on this one.
That being said, the edited article can be found at the Daily 49er\'s site , or alternatively, view the unedited piece at my website .
I didn't think there would be any problem with this but when I sent the submission to my editor, I did comment on it that there could be an issue, and while I found it unlikely to occur, I did not rule it out. Anyway, this should provide for some interesting letters to the editor, wouldn't you agree?

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986