Nice article HSiG.

Originally posted by Patrick:
i don't know if that was supposed to be a smart comment or not, but no it doesn't. but i've known straight people who have had gay people do that to them. -Pat
Patrick, I am sure it is annoying to you that someone else is demanding their "rights" all the time. But simply NOT getting rights is likely even more frustrating to them. They want to be granted the SAME rights as everyone else. Not DIFFERENT ones. Not SPECIAL ones.

Have I been hit on by a lesbian? LOTS of times. I've been hit on my pimply-faced adolescents and old icky letches too. Should I hate all males for it? Am I hot stuff? No. Simply, there are people in all walks of life that will hit on someone else be they gay or straight. As long as you are comfortable with your own sexual orientation I do not see how this would threaten you. "No thanks" and move on.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"