Hey everyone, school has started again which means that you will start receiving my weekly/bi-weekly/sometimes daily emails to flood your email box again...lucky you!

My first two articles of the semester are up and can be found at my website and the Daily 49er's website (well, sort of). It seems that there was a miscommunication and my first Opinion page article was in the paper on January 21, when nobody was back at school yet! I'm still trying to figure out why, exactly, a paper was printed then, but nobody seemed to know. My editor then called me today asking where a new article and I thought they hadn't printed that one yet! Therefore, I did not turn in an article this week, so on Wednesday you will be treated to an article from the Gerry Wachovsky vault that got printed in Summer of 2003 but went unnoticed.

That being said, my newest Opinion page article is only available on my website...it was never posted on the Daily 49er's website. To read it go to my website .
Also, you can read my first Senate article at either my website or the Daily 49er\'s website .

"Opinions are like buttholes...everyone has one and they all stink."
Howard Stern, circa 1986