Obama could learn from "Godfather"

Obama could learn from 'Godfather'
By: Roger Alan Stone
September 21, 2010 04:38 AM EDT

Barack Obama said during the 2008 campaign that his favorite movie was “The Godfather.” But the president apparently views “The Godfather” as a crime or family drama — not as the most important work on the use of power by an Italian since Machiavelli’s “The Prince.”

Lessons from Don Corleone would have helped Obama avoid many of the mistakes in his first year and a half in office.

Remember that the don has done you this favor.

As a powerful man, the don does many people many favors. But they know that something will be expected of them in return. When that moment comes, they had better be willing to return the favor. This favor bank is a great source of the don’s power.

Obama has been all quid, with no pro quo. With Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) down on his luck — no job in the McCain administration and the Democratic Caucus skeptical of his liberal credentials — Obama intervened. Because of that, Lieberman got the committee chairmanship he so desperately wanted. But, somehow, attached to that favor were no strings — for example, no condition that he could vote as he wanted on bills but would support the caucus on breaking filibusters.

Sometimes you need to leave a horse head in the bed.

The don knows that when the situation has reached an impasse, it’s time for the unexpected move that shows you can hurt your opponents in personal ways that they cannot expect, let alone imagine: a calculated overreaction that shows your opponents their actions have consequences.

Take, for example, the blocking of hundreds of administration appointments by Republicans. At one point, Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby announced he was blocking all pending appointments to secure a few million dollars in Defense Department pork for his state.

That would have been the moment to strike: Call up Majority Leader Harry Reid and ask to recess for a day. Then recess-appoint all pending appointments. And give a Rose Garden address saying that our problems are too important for this kind of malarkey.

Of course, for good measure during recess, Obama could have appointed all those who would never have been confirmed by the Senate — and given Shelby a “Sicilian message” by appointing someone from the Southern Poverty Law Center as U.S. attorney for Alabama.

Go to the mattresses.

When a gangland war gets serious, the don has to “go to the mattresses.” That means he assembles all his forces, which stay ready 24 hours a day by sleeping in secret apartments.

Clearly, when the Republicans began filibustering everything, it was time to go to the mattresses — that is, keep the Senate in session continuously and make the Republicans filibuster “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” style. That would have shown the country where the obstruction really lay.

Whenever the possibility of real physical discomfort or even inconvenience has arisen, the Republicans have backed down.

Never tell anyone outside the family what you are thinking.

Note to Rahm Emanuel: This includes “on background” and “high administration official” leaks.

When Michael says that he will save the family by killing Virgil “The Turk” Sollozzo and police Capt. McCluskey, Sonny laughs and says it’s not easy like the Army — “You blow their brains out all over your Ivy League suit.”

In the don’s world, Ivy Leaguers are a rarity, to say the least. Only a few of the men he depends on have been to college. But they do have knowledge useful to the don.

The administration should realize that true diversity of viewpoints does not come from hiring a rainbow coalition of appointees who all attended Harvard. A few people who attended a state college, or who had struggled a bit post-graduation, might have provided valuable insights.

At first glance, the Obama administration appears to be the least educationally diverse administration ever. At least the Bush administration hired people who attended both Harvard and Yale.

The don knows how to return a favor.

When consigliere Tom Hagen asks the movie producer to put Johnny Fontane in the movie, he assures him that the don knows how to return a favor.

After the unions spent $100 million to elect him, the least Obama could have done was push through the Employee Free Choice Act. And since making unions larger adds strength to the Democratic Party, it would have been doing a favor that made the granter even more powerful. The don would appreciate that.

It’s business, not personal.

It doesn’t matter how much fun you and McCain had together at the debates or on the campaign trail or how many times you invite Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) over to watch the Super Bowl. They will fight you tooth and nail on everything — no matter what.

You can regain all that is lost by wiping out your enemies in one massive, lethal attack.

In one day, Michael Corleone is able to completely restore his family’s fortunes by wiping out all their enemies. Everything the family had done that made them look weak and inept had lulled their enemies into complacency, so the family’s surprise and triumph were complete.

Well, Barack, we’re waiting ...

Roger Alan Stone, a political consultant, is president of Advocacy Data. He tweets at @rogerastone.

"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives."
Winter is Coming

Now this is the Law of the Jungle—as old and as true as the sky; And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die.
As the creeper that girdles the tree-trunk, the Law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.