
The implication here is that Luciano ratted to get a shorter sentence.I've heard about his before.Was it actually proven that he ratted or is it just a rumor?

Originally Posted By: Lilo
I don't think it was ever proven. I'm not sure about the timeline and don't have the texts in front of me now to look it up.

According to Luciano's most recent bigrapher, Tim Newark, Luciano did indeed make a deal with the law. He gave up the location of an apartment on the lower east side with a considerable amount of heroin in it, and this is part of public record. But he supposedly didn't give up any names, which really can't ever be verified at this point. So that's why the rumors persist.

It should be pointed out that Luciano never hesitated to help himself later in life when it came to helping the government (namely the war effort, but there have been plenty of whispers about other things). He really hated jail.

FYI: I just finished the Tim Newark book, "Lucky Luciano: The Real and the Fake Gangster," and I highly recommend it, corny title and all smile.

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