Hi all,

I just wanted to say thanks to Fame for getting me back here, I haven't been in quite a while and it's purely because of getting a crazy job in the interim that has taken up pretty much my whole life... However it is really lovely to pop back in and to see so many familiar 'faces' smile

I appreciate the quality over quantity argument, and certainly there's no point posting just for the sake of it, but I definitely agree that forums need nurturing and a bit of gentle encouragement from time to time. Maybe even if people think that it needs to be more organic than '2 new threads a week', just encouraging us all to keep it in mind might liven things up a bit and result in more regular/more engaging posting? (I hasten to add that I don't mean the posting has been anything less than engaging, I'm just saying one can never be too interesting smile )

Either way, kudos to Fame for being so passionate about the forum, and making the effort to get in touch with those members who had not been here in a while - I think that's the sort of thing that will keep this board alive smile and it's a credit to the community that people feel so fondly and think so highly of it.

Best wishes to you all,

Joolsie x

Senator, we are both part of the same hypocrisy