I agree with you, Lilo. And I empathize with Al Sharpton's motives when he told the Cleveland owner that Lebron was not a slave on his plantation. For one, the owner should have kept his mouth shut all together instead of trying to engage a player in a public debate. You're Dan Gilbert; not George Steinbrenner. It was different when George and Reggie Jackson fought in the papers, but the impertinent manner in which Gilbert approached Lebron James was just plain awkward and hateful.

I certainly feel for the many people affected economically by Lebron's decision and perhaps he could have handled it differently, but let's face it, when you televise a kid's high school games on ESPN b/c he's that much better than everyone else, you're pretty much paving his future as a primadonna. Get over it.

Besides...Cleveland sports fans are animals anyway[see The Dawg Pound]...so let them lose their souls. ;))