Whatever mob presence is left in New York City (and it's getting even smaller as I type this) is pretty well divided up today.

You're right about the Lucchese presence in the Bronx, but only because they had a disproportionate amount of their businesses here. And by that I mean that the much larger Genovese family was always here, too, yet the Luccheses were in almost as many businesses as the Genoveses were.

But as I said, today everything is all over the place. The larger families---like the Gambinos and Genoveses---might very well be in business with, say, a small Bonanno or Lucchese crew in one of the outer boroughs, because in their minds it's better that they stick together than to get into business with another ethnic gang all together.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.