Originally Posted By: Mukremin
and could you also give information about todays mafia moneymaking? i know the terms, but not how they work and what a no show job means etc. and how they still get money from gambling?

Here's an example. A mob-controlled labor union makes a "sweetheart deal" with a contractor on a building project. They allow him to not use union labor, or at least less of it, thereby saving him a lot of money since union labor is far more costly than non-union labor. In other words, the union intentionally does not enforce the collective bargaining agreement the dues-paying union members are expecting it to. In return, the contractor kicks back to the mobbed up union. Sometimes through direct cash payments but more often through no-show jobs given out to mobsters and people around them. That way, the mobsters are not only getting a check every two weeks (at union rates) for doing nothing, they have a legitimate source of income they can show, health care, etc.

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