Thanks again Ivy League.

Wasnt Gerrard Pappa instrumental in the windows racket? (when he was alive)

Why were the Bonanno's left out of inter-family rackets?
Was it to do with Galante and his zips and all the subsquent trouble where they lost their seat on the commission?

As for slot machine rackets, Tony Mirra turned over about $2000 a week from his illegal machines that he stashed in bar/diner/cafe basements or backrooms.
He used to walk into a place and tell them he had their new slot machine and if the owner refused Mirra would say "fine, you go ask about Tony from Mulberry street and I'll come back tomorrow and see if you havent changed your mind".
Sure enough the owner wisely changed his mind and allowed Mirra's machine put in.

Eddie Richardson (Charlie Richardsons brother) used to do that in London too

I assume JFK Airport is now a fortress and no longer easy pickings for mobsters?

Last edited by GaryH; 10/08/10 06:48 PM.