Week 5 - Final

PTS = Actual Points
(P) = # Players left

     PTS    (P)
DB   144    (0)     Bran-don Ll-oyd, clap clap, clap clap clap
YO   124    (0)     Rivers (28) has big game in loss to Raiders
PP   115    (0)     MNF comeback w/ Greene
JD   112    (0)     So close to 1st win
JG   104    (0)     Harvin, Rice and not much else
IM   133    (0)     Solid win
BL   124    (0)     Still in baseball mode
BA   107    (0)     Nicks can't cancel out 3 0-fers
DM   151    (0)     Nice score this week
LN   107    (0)     Fleeced Moss; should pay dividends later this year
RM    83    (0)     Disappointing week
GO   159    (0)     Leaps into 1st place
BB   135    (0)     Strong win
JL   126    (0)     Another tough matchup