538's latest forecast shows Republicans taking the House and coming within 2 seats of taking the Senate.
The Administration is trying to spin this as saying that post-election, empowered Republicans would have to work more closely with the Administration or alternatively that voters just don't understand all the great things the Administration has done or that the left wing base is too whiny and too sensitive -this is starting to look like some projection on the Administration's part.
I think there's some truth in all of that. Just some.
There's no way in Hades that a rejuvenated GOP, returned triumphant from the wilderness by saying no, would be in any mood to work with the Administration on anything. In just the past few days Republican leaders and current or would be Senators or House members have said that their top priority is to make Obama a one term president and that there will be no compromise on their part. I think, based on past actions, they mean this. Why can't the POTUS see this?
By refusing to recognize that this is hardball and by continually playing nice with his enemies while chiding his friends, the President bears some responsibility for whatever gains the Republicans make.
One thing that Republicans do very well is to put across very simple, straightforward messages. Even if the messages are bogus they help build a very easy narrative to follow. They also are masters of using emotion. Democrats shun a lot of this. They are seemingly allergic to simplicity. It seems like they've had this problem since at least the 68-72 elections.
Best post about Obama