You've said on here you've fantasized about class mates or something. So you were "horny", and thinking about "vulgar acts of love" or "booty calls?!" That's insensate! You're being stupid, man, really.

There's nothing wrong with having sex for pleasure. Hell, when we used to talk on AIM, you used to talk about how hot women were all the time. You're telling me you'd never have sex with one for pleasure?! Please! I'm sure you've committed sins in your life, so stop contradicting yourself about not committing fornication or sex for pleasure because it's a sin.

Masterbation is a weaker form of sex. No, it isn't sex... But it's a very weak form of the same pleasure. Why do that when you can have sex with a female that you love for pleasure? Having sex with someone you don't love, I don't agree with, in MOST situations. Masterbation is for pleasure, strictly, and without a loved one, which I find stupid. To me. Not to others? Fine. I do find it dumb. Pleasure should come from someone you love, and not from your hand because your hormones are raging.

the power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. george bernard shaw