Erm, I don't know if I'd agree that all (or most) violent lunatic extremists are on the right, and that the left is "too busy listening to their iPods or playing on Facebook or eating EasyMac in their dorm rooms." lol Just about any serious Marxist I've ever met is of the mindset that a violent revolution is necessary to advance the cause.

But yes, I'm sure we all hoped that the violent extremists on the right would have died out after the Civil Rights era and their children would have taken a different route. It appears otherwise, and we'll have to indeed fight many of the same fights our parents and grandparents engaged in.

That's why EVERYONE, on BOTH sides, need to chill out over the coming years and stop inciting this stuff. Unfortunately, humans are inevitably the same, and I have a feeling that after the smoke from this incident clears partisans will go back to being partisans and supporting 'their team,' trying to discredit and dismiss the other side, all the while manifesting a hatred that they claim to be fighting against in the first place.

For that matter, some people just need to get a life and stay out of political discussions all together, especially when they use political banter as an outlet for some pent up anger they've built up over the years.

Like my grandfather always said: Why do people always feel the need to blab about one thing or another?? What the hell is so important that everyone feels they need to run their mouths at every second of the day?? Everyone wants to talk and discuss things when they ought to be eating, sleeping, or working. THAT'S IT. Sounds strange, but if some (not anyone here) adhered more to this old adage I have a feeling there would be less loons on both side.

As far as I'm concerned, they'd better stay out of my way all together. Maddow, Beck, Olbermann, O Reilly, Limbaugh; you're all corporate whores straight out of Orwell's 1984, propogating one false paradigm after another.