My fear is though (and I'll bet I'm right)is that absolutely NOTHING will be done to change anything. With the people's right to "bear arms" and "freedom of press", just try changing anything.
As far as guns go, I heard yesterday that in AZ you can actually go into a bar with a gun (as long as you don't drink) Really?

Nobody really seems to care about putting limits (or enforcing)exactly WHO can own a gun because God forbid it hamper someone's right, so don't check-out anyone? We blame it on mental health, upbringing; the school or parent or coach or someone who should have known. Who???? Nothing will happen!!
As far as the media goes, you've of course got "freedom of the press". Who's gonna tell someone not to say something or not to report the news. They get these nutjobs and it's a story and they air it on tv. Then they only need to say "freedom of the press." Do you really think the media (in any form) will monitor itself? So, what is the answer??
Don't misunderstand. I am for both rights, but I am also for regulations and better checks on gun ownership and think that responsible journalism is possible as well.