Politicians never tell the full truth and Rep. Ryan was no exception last night.

Ryan pined that "their (Democratic) actions show they want a federal government that controls too much, taxes too much and spends too much in order to do too much."

But that's not entirely true. The economic stimulus package passed by the Democratic-controlled Congress in February 2009 didn't raise taxes. Instead, about a third of the package--nearly $300 billion--was made up of temporary tax cuts.

The biggest was Obama's Making Work Pay credit, which provided up $400 to individuals and $800 to married couples.

There were dozens of other tax cuts, including the child tax credit, a tax credit for buying a home and a sales tax deduction for buying a car. (Of course many, but not all, of the tax cuts have since expired.)

Obama's health care law imposed new taxes, including a penalty for some people who don't get qualified health insurance, starting in 2014. But Obama extended Bush-era tax cuts that were due to expire at the beginning of the year. He also enacted a new one-year cut in the payroll tax for 2011 for just about every wage earner.