Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: HermitKermit

Well I would of specified more clearly, the Zetas and their allies the Beltran Leyva group and of course La Linea the armed wing of Juarez Cartel are the ones doing most of these types of things because either they are desperate(Beltran Leyva group which has splintered into smaller factions fighting each other or joining/getting back up from the major cartels), didn't follow the underworld rules from the beginning(Los Zetas) or need some type of income to fund their war against their rivals(La Linea). Yes extortions and kidnapping for ransoms in Mexican underworld is very taboo, that's why when rivals put narco-banners they state they are going to exterminate the larcraZ or scum(with capital Z meaning Zetas) but I never stated they were squeaky clean. Those links were big news in Mexico but they rarely happen and when they do it's big news, most of the innocents killed is because of cross fire not the cartels intentionally killing them. You could also add the 20 people from Michoacan killed because of a mistake. You're just exaggerating stuff honestly and yes a lot/most of the dead are between the cartels.

I don't think I was exaggerating anything. The cartels aren't stupid. They don't go around killing innocents for the hell of it. That just brings more heat. But they will kill anyone, including innocents, if they feel it's necessary. They've done it over and over again. They've killed police, military people, government officials, family members of law enforcement, witnesses, etc.

I thought you meant the cartels were killing a lot of innocents civilians(even family members of police or any government job) which doesn't/rarely happens yes of course a lot of police of all levels, military, and politicians corrupt or not have been killed obviously but a lot of the dead are still criminals killing criminals. Now about the heat thing:some cartels cells just dedicate themselves to bring heat towards a rival plaza so that they confront their rival gunmen if the local/state/federal police(in some places) and politicians corrupt or not can't stop them, if it gets too out of control the state governor or Calderon will have to deploy army troops and federal forces to that area/town/city thus affecting the relationship of the rivals's with the local or state police/ politicians.