American Mafia isn't like astreet gangs as Los Zetas, is more important for them not getting the attention of the police, keeping a low profile. Sammy Gravano was in jail in 1997 because it was selling ecstasy in Arizona, Vinny Palermo manages its stripclub in Texas, and has also appeared in the newspaper, Henry Hill is out of the Witness Protection Program from the late 80's and so on. Today it is better to prevent the damage, killing the informants, but after the damage has been done, it makes no sense to kill the witnesses, this differentiates the American Mafia, from the Sicilian, as so far not applied the concept of ''vendetta trasversale'' or''Cross revenge''; to Buscetta when witnesses, killed 14 family members, at another witness murdered the son of 8 / 10 years and broke up in acid, an Italy a woman who left the witness protection, was killed and dissolved in acid by the father of her daughter.