Originally Posted By: Mussolini14
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

A good example of what I'm talking about is a guy like Peter "Petey Caps" Caporino. He and his gambling operation was associated with the Genovese family in New Jersey. He wore a wire, recording hundreds of conversations, which resulted in the arrest of several Genovese guys including captain Larry Dentico back in 2005. As surprising as it is, Caporino didn't enter witness protection and move half way across the country. He stayed right in New Jersey and continued to run his gambling operation; obviously still very much within the reach of the Genovese family.

Some would ask why this was. It's not like the Genovese didn't know where he was or couldn't get to him. And, as evidenced by guys like Ralph Coppola, Al Bruno, Larry Ricci, Rudy Izzi, William Marcucci, etc., it's not like the Genovese don't have the stomach to kill people anymore. It's because the risks outweigh the rewards once the damage has already been done.

Give it time though, he still might get taken out.

Yeah I must say that amazes me. I don't see how you (Ivy) can say the risks outweigh the rewards when you're talking about an organized crime family. Let me play devil's advocate here. Now you want to do anything to protect that family and you do that by making an example out of people who don't play by the rules. Last I heard, snitching was a no no, in any form. What kinda message does this send when a guy can snitch on your family and not worry about any repercussions? Whether the damage is done or not. They didn't hesitate to take out Larry Ricci and he wasn't even a rat. I don't know why they haven't taken Caporino out, but isn't he in jail as we speak? There has to be a good reason.

"What is given, can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies." - Casey Anthony, in a poem, July 7, 2008