Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous

Yeah I must say that amazes me. I don't see how you (Ivy) can say the risks outweigh the rewards when you're talking about an organized crime family. Let me play devil's advocate here. Now you want to do anything to protect that family and you do that by making an example out of people who don't play by the rules. Last I heard, snitching was a no no, in any form. What kinda message does this send when a guy can snitch on your family and not worry about any repercussions? Whether the damage is done or not. They didn't hesitate to take out Larry Ricci and he wasn't even a rat. I don't know why they haven't taken Caporino out, but isn't he in jail as we speak? There has to be a good reason.

There were rats and dry snitches even back when the mob did kill there and there was no witness protection program in place. So killing a guy like Caporino now won't change that. It will just bring down that much more heat. As I've said before, where the mob is still willing to kill rats is before they flip. That way, they can stop the damage before it's done and it's worth the risk. Al Bruno being a good example. This isn't the 1930's anymore. The mob has to take a much more practical approach.

And there are other ways to still get killed. Larry Ricci's mistake was refusing to take a plea deal in the ILA/New Jersey waterfront case. The Genovese family wants to foster the idea that the mob is gone from the docks. A mobster like Ricci sitting at the defense table with ILA officials is exactly what they wanted to avoid. Plus, he was supposedly already in disfavor by talking too much about the Genovese family's plans to move down further in to the Philadelphia family's territory in South Jersey. So, needless to say, he ended up in a trunk.

There was talk about both Ralph Coppola and Rudy Izzi being killed because they were skimming profits but that's never been completely confirmed.

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