Originally Posted By: Turnbull
...If the Rosatops atttacked Frankie, it'd not only be further confirmation of Roth's guilt, but it'd give Michael a leg up on Roth if he needed it.

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
... after Roth challenged him on why he hadn't brought the bagful of money Fredo brough to Havana, Michael replies, belligerantly, "Who had Frank Pentangeli killed?", as if it was some kind of quid pro quo. But then Roth brilliantly outmaneuvered him with the world-beating Moe Green speech.

Amazingly though, even after being outmaneuvered in BOTH these instances (as well as others), Michael in the end prevails over Roth.

Of course as the 'hero' for lack of a better word...Michael HAS to win against all odds or the story wouldn't work. What makes it such a compelling story (despite the numerous writing flaws) is how he ultimately does prevail...and yet is so alone and isolated in the end.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.