Anyone know who was the largest earner in the Philly Mob? Im sure they had some good earners with AC being so close and all. Some others that were not mentioned:

Anthony "Nino" Gaggi (Big Pauls most trusted Capo)
Robert "DB" Dibernardo (construction tycoon)
Matthew Madonna (herion, gambling,construction and prostitution, also had a very large earning alliance with the Bloods street gang)
Matty "The Horse" Ianello (Vice Operations, Night Clubs and Restaurants)
Stevie "Wonder Boy" Crea: (Construction, said to have made the overall construction labor costs go up overall 5 percent in NY and had over 40 million a year in construction contracts)
Tino "T" or "the Greek" Fiumara: Controlled every major NJ racket in the 80's and 90's and was labeled a "powerhouse earner"

FatGirl:Your cute
FatGirl:So you wanna buy me a drink?
FatGirl:Why not?
Me:Well Its tricky pumpkin,If I buy u a drink, every fat girl in here would think I liked fat girls & ask me to buy them a drink also. See ,I dont like fat girls unless im wasted and given Im only one drink deep so far, so you better buy me the drink honey, cause this 20 bucks aint covering the booze and drive thru ill need to take you home tonight

08/13/2009-jvanley Spanky Bar, 3rd stool from the left