...As you put it earlier, Christie has said he won't run. In fact unless I'm mistaken, he had said somewhere that he wasn't "ready" for the job yet or something to that effect.
I know alot of GOPers are talking him up, a few polls claim he's hotter than lava, maybe more than one whisper to his ear about him being the Republican Obama, all which surely would stroke anybody's ego. But here is my advice to the guy if he is truely tempted: Don't run. DON'T DO IT!...
To be completely honest, I agree w/ you 100%. If he really doesn't feel he's ready then Christie should NOT run in 2012 regardless of any ego-stroking or prediction that he's the only one who could beat Obama (which I don't think is necessarily true, despite what Ann Coulter thinks).
To put too much expectation on ONE guy is unfair and unrealistic in BOTH parties. I think it's a far better idea to wait & see who has announced and who is running a year from now and let the whole group battle it out. Obama was one of 7 or 8 when debates started in 2007 and nobody on that stage thought he had a chance in hell of even being the nominee (especially one H. Clinton

Depending on many things, the economy included, the 2012 race could end up just as interesting...that is if the GOP doesn't fall back into their tried & true trap of nominating stately older men with nothing to offer except 40 years of service to their country and half-witted attempts to appear morally above it all. It just doesn't seem to win elections any more.