Giuliani could have used that governor's seat to launch himself into the 2012 race, and it would have been a far more successful strategy. However, many say he is too moderate for the ticket, with way too many skeletons in his closet, like the mysterious cousin/first wife, the pedophile priest best friend, and his relationship with Kerik.
When one of your kids refuse to publicly support you, you might be in trouble.
Makes one wonder what if Rudy never gotten the prostate cancer which forced him to pull out of the '00 Senate race against Hillary?
Ok, didn't know where to put this. RR you'll love this. I don't know the specifics but while campaigning I think in Ohio, Arlen Specter referred to these two rappers as:
Enema Man and Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dog ...

What's funny is, even an "anti-rapper" like myself, finds this hilarious.

"Poop"? A grown adult said "poop" in public?