You can kill 50 people, disown your father, break the commandments, dig up your father, shit on his face and then disown him again, it doesnt matter.
If you REPENT and live the life of a person whom puts God BEFORE anything else, he will forgive you for shitting on your father face after you dug him up:) period. Its about repenting, and putting him above and before everything else.
So if Hitler repented and put God first, he'd be in heaven and live forever with Jesus and the angels? But the Jews who died with hate in their hearts as they were being gassed alive will burn forever in hell? I just wanna make sure I understand this. Heaven, hell, love, hate, black, white, yes or no. That's the pattern right? I don't know, but I personally could not serve anyone that simple minded.
What about people who are born deaf and blind, or people who've never heard of The Bible. The majority of China doesn't buy into any of this. Hell is gonna be fucking packed
. Well it makes a good mix here on the forums, since i must be the only one here.
Absolutely makes the boards better, but we have other Muslim members, too.
How does it make the boards better? I got Muslim friends, but how did you come to this conclusion? I'd love to hear this.
The bible is nothing more than a book of prophets who put words onto paper. The bible is a "manuscript" or a "guideline" for Christians and how to live their life. It is the same thing as a text book or a book a Doctor would read to become a better Doctor. A Suggestive outline and guideline on how to worship and build your faith in God. It is also a history lesson as well.
Basically, you do not have to read the bible to have a cleansed heart and mind and repent for your sins.
And Vinny G, there is only ONE sin that is considered "damnnation" if you will or "unforgiveable" and that is Blasphemy. Choosing to believe that God is not real and that his son Jesus Christ did not die on the cross. It is said that is the only sin, Hitler, Demeo or otherwise, that God will not forgive and allow you to walk in his kingdom of heaven.
Now, its pretty black and white, either you believe in God and what he does or you dont. doesnt mean you are a bad guy either way. Believers like myself think that the non believers will not walk in Gods kingdom when he returns.
Key word in all this Vinny, Believe. Which suggests to some people that religion is nothing more than a theory. I happen to be a believer in Christ and gods kingdom. Some dont, doesnt mean they are right or I am right.