Here's my little lad and lassie Collins celebrating their first St. Paddy's Day.

I don't have an Irish joke but here's a true Irish story. My wife's grandmother was Anna Murphy (from Dunmore Kyld). One of 14 kids. She married and Eye-Talian (name withheld) and as a young married wife, helped in the boarding house of her in-laws where she learned Italian, which she spoke with an Irish brogue. Me being a German-Mick-Polock was dating her grandaughter, the apple of her eye. Thank God she liked me. I could listen to her stories all night long. Me and the future MaryCas had been dating a few months. One night we came home from a date (probably the movies) and when we came in the house (also where Anna Murphy lived at the time), apparently MC had a sour face, so Anna says in her Irish brogue, "What's the matter Mary Ann, didn't Lee play with your tits tonight?" I'm not sure how red I turned, but it sure felt bright.

I loved that lady (God rest her soul).....and I still love her grandaughter. And now she has some great-great-grand kids...and Irish no less. Happy St Patrick's Day Grandma.

Last edited by MaryCas; 03/17/11 05:30 PM.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12