Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous
... One of the best things a leader can do is ask his underlings for ideas. All great leaders take advantage of other people's minds. That is smart, because then you're not working with one mind anymore. You're strengthening your strategy. That is not a lack of leadership. That is smart leadership...

That is absolutely true in the real world, and when you've actually GOT the job. But not in the world of The Apprentice (Celebrity or otherwise...).

I've seen too many times a task manager asking for ideas & suggestions and then getting pounced on for lack of leadership if the task was lost, and even before that. That's just what happened to Lisa.

The problem with Dionne Warwick is that for a while people MIGHT be deferential to her because of her age & showbiz status. One of the women even said (I think it was NeNe) that is is difficult to argue with a 70yr old music legend. Ms. Warwick seems to know that and is taking full advantage of it. We'll see how long that lasted for her.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.