Originally Posted By: fathersson
...And who ever heard of having a mother and a daughter play on the same game. Talk about the deck stacked. Then you had to listen to her yell and scream that her kid was being shafted and that she was going to walk off the show...

Joan & Melissa Rivers seem to do EVERYTHING together these days, except when Joan is onstage. Their recent reality show was popular I hear...but a bit staged as well (aren't they all). The Rivers ladies sorta became a team when they used to do those award show fashion reviews a few years back.

That season I had just started watching when Melissa was fired and my god I never heard such whining in my life - from Melissa, who was convinced there was an alliance against her. Which may have been true but THAT was a totally classless, undignified exit. Joan was just standing up for her kid which you can't blame a mother for doing.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.