It seems that people don't know what real power is. People look at John Gotti and talk about how he made everybody come see him every week. Then there's people who talk about Carmine Persico and admire him for his ability to maintain his title as boss of the most dysfunctional and most rat infested family of recent times. This is merely power within a family, it's not admirable and it certainly ain't real power. Real power is Lucky Luciano, Frank Costello, Meyer Lansky. Real power is owning Tammany Hall, appointing judges, having lawmen on your payroll, controlling the biggest labor unions in the country, having world leaders like Batista in your back pocket, getting control over banks and starting your own. That's real power. Getting Jackie Nose to wipe his ass with a rabbit is not real power. It's ridiculous.

"What is given, can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies." - Casey Anthony, in a poem, July 7, 2008