Anyone who does not think that Joe Massino had a great deal of power is wrong, in MY opinion. I am not talking about Joe Massino back in the Pistone days,I am talking Joe Massino when he got out of the can and until he got pinched again days, 10-12 years I believe.
When you talk about "most powerful" you certainlly have to talk about era's and time frames. Because if you dont, then its Al Capone first and everyone else second.
With that said, from around 1994-2003ish Massino was very powerful, overall terms of power.
See Vinny is right, some people think if power within the family vs power "reach" beyond your family. I happen to be the one that thinks of power from within your family and how you are held in regard by the other LCN families.
Is Massino the most powerful boss of all time? Hell no. My point was that if you are having a conversation about powerful bosses, his name should be brought up.
It would be interesting to see what the results would be if you asked the same question to Selwynn Raab, Jerry Capeci,Gene Mustain and a few wise guys who have flipped over the days and see what they say. Ask the question the way it was asked though, not the explination that Vinny gave us about his def of power.
My point is that even though Vinny is probably right, thats what true power really is, I think if you ask the same question without the explanation, you will get many names you wouldnt expect, including Massino.