Originally Posted By: thebarber
Is the detroit family still alive. I know on this site past reports have said they are no longer a active family but a lot of other sites contradict that. I have seen reports saying they still have a heirarchy and as many as 40 soldiers which would make them as big as philly and NJ. Was hoping someone could clear this up for me

Detroit is one of those families that is argued about often because it's in a gray area, so to speak. By that I mean, some law enforcement reports cite it as still having a viable family, while others do not. If that's all we had to go by, I suppose one could be justified in going one way or the other. But for me at least, the lack of indictments involving the Detroit family over the past several years tells us more. Over the past decade, there has really only been one significant case involving the Detroit mob and that was a gambling and loansharking bust that involved about 15 people back in 2006. Before that, you have to go back to the mid-1990's when Jack Tocco and a number of other top guys in the family were indicted.

Furthermore, I don't put a whole lot of stock in those charts listing 40+ members for Detroit. Back in the mid-1990's, the family was said to have about 30 members at most. And that was a decade and a half ago. It's unlikely that what's left of the mob in a place like Detroit has defied the general trend and actually grown in size. I'm willing to bet that, while some of those names listed are indeed members, others are associates or others who have been misidentified as made guys. If I had to guess, the total membership for the family is probably under 25 now.

Detroit doesn't have the membership or amount of activity that families in New England, New Jersey, or Philadelphia do. I'd put it closer to what's left of the mob in Buffalo.

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