Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I thought Pia had a great deal of talent, and while I don't know if she should have won, she sure as heck shouldn't have been voted out at this point.

Amen to that. Maybe David Foster will latch on to her like he did with Catherine McPhee and Michael Johns.

Pia should not have tackled a Tina Turner song; too raw for her, but she may have fallen victim to the voter malaise - I won't vote for her, she'll get plenty of other votes.

My unbiased and unabashed evaluation:
Stefano - a little too animated and forced; for his voice he doesn't carry the sex appeal. Looks like he's on the toilet working one out.
Caleb - krazy kat, talented, but not mainstream enough. Looks like he could be cast in B-horror movie.
Jacob - The voice is beginning to sound like fingernails on a chalk board. A little too femme. Character on PeeWee's Playhouse
Paul - White Noise,go away.
Scotty - Head 'em up, move 'em out and as Elvis would say, "Thank you, Thank you very much"., BUT, that boyish C&W charm could carry him to Underwood Land.
Lauren - Sparkly blue eyes, pure voice, a little chubby, but now that Pia is gone....?
Haley - She actually sings quite well, but she seems too caught up in trying to sing well and admiring how well she sings. How Great Thou Art. Her eyes are too close together and you know what that means.

Last edited by MaryCas; 04/08/11 09:10 PM.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12