Awesome. Thanks Vinny. You've made some great points & you obviously know your shit when it comes to these two.

After I typed my post, I was thinking of the incongruity of Knight arranging the murder to happen while he was in the car with Tupac, I maybe should have edited, but Im a lazy, lazy man. As I said, it definitely seems like everything just falls too neatly into place, & I suppose I have come off sounding really naive after watching that British film-makers documentary again years later. In all honesty, it is pretty hard to believe that Knight some how managed to pull of such a machiavellian coup & the truth is most probably far more squalidly banal then such conspiracy theories.

Seriously, thanks dude. Once again, Ive got like, a virtual plethora of new leads & avenues of research. Love this site.

Super keen to hear your thoughts on the Wallace murder too.
