I am amazed (and amused) at the lack of good candidates on the GOP side this election (thus far). I can imagine how the party must feel.

BTW, I remember Mitt's father, George Romney, who was the Governor of my home state in Michigan way back when.
I know its absolutely mean and tasteless, but I would ROTFL if one of the candidates during a primary debate make a "brainwashing" joke regarding Mittens' flip-flop on HCR. It would certainly run in the family.
Yet, IF I absolutely had to pick out of the GOP field, I would reluctantly go with Romney, because....well, I guess he seems the most "normal" of the bunch. Thing is, at this point, I don't think he's odds are that good.
Honestly, he's (right now at least) the only one that tries to act "Presidential," or comes off as such in public.
Or in other words doesn't pick fights with Natalie Portman or send Birther investigator to Hawaii or try to sport a new southern twang tongue or fight for the spotlight on Fox News.
It's a start.